Oct 3, 2007

Livens Gun Pit: Yesterday & Today

 Livens gun pit behind AU intramural soccer field (2014)
"After the discovery of the Livens gun pit [in August 2002 on Woodway Lane], Corps of Engineers personnel were able to determine the exact direction of fire. This direction of fire confirms other historical evidence about the use of this range. Based on historic maps and aerial photos it is believed that there were only three impact areas associated with this range. Two of these, POI 18 and AOI 12, are located east of Dalecarlia Parkway...."
"... The possible impact area west of Dalecarlia Parkway has been designated 'AOI 6 - Dalecarlia Impact Area.' Confirming this assumption, munitions debris has been previously identified in this area west of Dalecarlia Parkway on the Federal Property." 
Concrete trough on left is Livens gun pit at AUES in 1918
Photographs now stored at the Army Chemical School in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, document firing Livens projectors and Stokes mortars toward the Dalecarlia Reservoir. Stokes mortars and Livens projectors have been found on Sedgewick Street, 52nd Court and next to the Dalecarlia Reservoir, both inside and outside the firing range.
Livens projector fired one mile downrange to Dalecarlia Woods

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