Apr 28, 2021

AUES Debris Under Hill Next to PSB Won't Be Removed until 2022

USACE Baltimore provided a brief update on the former Public Safety Building (PSB) ... A "contract modification" is in process to award the investigation work for the American University Experiment Station (AUES) debris observed extending into the northern hillside ... [Project manager] Dan Noble explained that there is a restoration agreement between AU and USACE, but the agreement focused on the footprint of the former PSB, since it was believed that the debris was confined to the footprint boundary ... Now that the same type of debris is observed extending into the hillside, the first step is to determine how far the debris extends. There is a concern that if the debris extends too far into the hillside, excavations to remove the debris would come too close to a major utility corridor ... Additionally, current erosion controls would need to be beefed up to prevent the hillside from collapsing.
[USACE] conducted Rotosonic drilling and test pit investigation[s] to determine extent of AUES debris north, east and west of the PSB foundation slab.  Completed seven test pit excavations and soil screening east, west and northeast of the former PSB foundation.  Completed six angled Rotosonic borings north of the former PSB foundation and 4-inch diameter soil core screening for AUES debris ... Once funding has been obtained and the work awarded, additional plans will be required before re-starting the soil remediation work.  This will entail a demobilization and delay of many months before the work is awarded and the required planning documents are prepared and approved.  Slope soil removal not expected to begin until late 2021.  
Spring Valley FUDS

In preparation for the investigation of debris going into the northern hillside, a drilling pad and access ramp was constructed at the top of the slope of the PSB excavation area.  The pad will stage the drill to be used for soil coring activities as a part of the investigation ... Additional boring work is expected to be conducted in the spring/summer time frame.  Once the additional investigation is complete, the team will have a better understanding of how much debris extends into hillside beyond the PSB footprint.
Spring Valley RAB
Meeting Minutes
March 9, 2021 (pgs. 11 - 12)
USACE awarded Rotosonic drilling and test pit investigation "Scope of Work" on 3 February 2021 to determine the extent of AUES debris north, east & west of the PSB foundation slab.  Completed seven test pit excavations and soil screening east, west and northeast of the former PSB foundation ... [Will] conduct Rotosonic drilling of six angled boreholes, collect continuous 4-inch diameter soil cores and evaluate soil cores for AUES debris layers.  [Will] prepare a PSB Slope Investigation report ... Based on the investigation results USACE will determine the scope of work to excavate the extent of AUES debris identified ... Additional plans will be required before re-starting the soil remediation work – this will most likely entail a demobilization and delay of several months
Spring Valley FUDS
Partnering Meeting
February 19, 2021 (pgs. 35, 40 & 42)

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