Mar 6, 2016

Corps Releases Feasibility Study Analyzing Cleanup Alternatives

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District has released the final Feasibility Study [FS] report, stemming from the previously completed Site-Wide Remedial Investigation for the Spring Valley Formerly Used Defense Site [FUDS] ... The purpose of the FS is to develop, screen, and provide a detailed analysis of remedial alternatives to mitigate: 1) unacceptable risks posed by soil contamination resulting from chemicals of concern, and 2) potential unacceptable explosive hazards due to munitions & explosives of concern that may remain within the SV FUDS ... Based on the detailed analysis of contaminated soil remedial alternatives in the Feasibility Study, Alternative 4, “Excavation and Off-site Disposal,” is the most favorable remedial alternative to achieve the Remedial Action Objectives [RAOs] ...
Based on the detailed analysis of remaining explosive hazards remedial alternatives for the areas of focus, Alternative 6, “Digital Geophysical Mapping of Accessible Areas, Remove Selected Anomalies,” is the most favorable remedial alternative to achieve the RAOs, but final selection of a preferred alternative will be proposed and documented in the forthcoming Proposed Plan ... The next step in the CERCLA process now that the FS has been finalized will be for USACE to compose a draft final Proposed Plan ... A formal public comment period will be held to allow the community an opportunity to review and comment on the Proposed Plan before it is finalized.
Spring Valley FUDS
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
January 2016
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