Nov 2, 2013

Utility Undertakes Long Overdue Spring Valley Water Main Upgrade

DC Water is performing water main upgrades within Spring Valley as part of its Capital Improvement Program.  These upgrades are designed to improve water quality, system reliability, water pressure, and improve available fire flow ... Since the existing water mains were constructed after American University Experiment Station was closed, it is unlikely that any chemical warfare or explosive materials will be encountered during construction of the water main upgrades.
... DC Water has adopted a conservative approach to reduce risk, including performing soil testing by coring through the pavement and collecting samples for laboratory analysis; minimizing excavation by lining water mains where existing pipe size is adequate and replacing water mains in the same trench where pipe upsizing is needed; providing hazards recognition training for construction crews; and having an unexploded ordnance specialist present to observe excavation work.
DC Water & Sewer Authority
Spring Valley Water Main Upgrade Project
November 1, 2013

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