NORTON (15:16): It does seem to me that is quintessentially how this [stimulus] money would be used. If you put money into cleaning up sites like this ... you do what you’re going to have to do anyway and you do it by putting people to work. You put them to work in the short term, since that’s just the kind of work that is already out there "to be done" with not enough people doing it.
Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton
WAMU-BBC live simulcast from
American University (1/10/2009)
Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton
WAMU-BBC live simulcast from
American University (1/10/2009)
U.S. Senators Benjamin L. Cardin and Barbara A. Mikulski (Both D-MD) this week urged the Chairman and Ranking Republican on the Senate Appropriations Committee to include shovel-ready environmental cleanups at active military bases in the pending economic recovery/stimulus package ... "We have read reports indicating the Military Construction subcommittee intends to include environmental restoration funds in the stimulus for environmental remediation efforts at closed bases ... Instead of limiting eligibility for stimulus funds to restoration projects at abandoned or closing bases, we ask that the Committee make all 'shovel-ready' DOD environmental restoration projects eligible for stimulus funding but require the DOD to prioritize projects according to the size of their environmental impact and potential for immediate economic impact."
Just wanted to say thanks for all of your support towards improving the environment!
-Dan @ Inlet Filter
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