The Army Corps felt that contamination identified during high probability test pit investigations between November 2009 and March 2010 could be related to descriptions of anecdotal construction worker exposures at the 4825 Glenbrook Road site. Findings that corroborated with these anecdotal reports included chemical agent in soil and intact AUES-related glassware containing chemicals such as arsenic trichloride. These findings were unique compared to data generated previously at the site, including the Pit 3 area, and at other burial pits in Spring Valley.

Jim Sweeney, District Department of the Environment, clarified that he has not seen the draft document. The draft ATSDR report was reviewed by DDOE’s Public Information Office, and he has not seen the draft report or the comments provided by his agency. DDOE will hopefully have the opportunity to review the rewritten draft final report.
Nan Wells, ANC-3D Commissioner: Was a technical review conducted by the Public Information Office?
J. Sweeney was not familiar with the degree of technical involvement during the draft report review.
RAB Meeting Minutes
January 10, 2012 (pgs. 9 - 13)
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