The Spring Valley information repository was relocated on Monday, Feb. 7 to the Tenley-Friendship Library at 4450 Wisconsin Avenue, NW ... The repository move was initiated at the suggestion of several community members at the January Restoration Advisory Board meeting. RAB and community members noted the Grand Reopening of the library was a well-timed opportunity to bring the repository back to a location closer and more easily accessible to the Spring Valley community ... Librarians at the Tenley-Friendship Library will be able to assist those interested in locating and viewing Spring Valley information repository documents. The Corps'pondent February 2011 (pg. 4)
U.S. EPA announced today that it will reverse a George W. Bush-era stance and consider setting new federal drinking water standards for the rocket fuel component perchlorate, linked to thyroid problems and other developmental impediments. The agency determined today that perchlorate presents a public health threat, saying that a proposal is on the way. An August study by the Government Accountability Office found the chemical -- which occurs naturally as well as in man-made form -- across 45 states, in water supplies that are used by between 5 million and 17 million Americans.Speaking just after a testy exchange in which Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) accused EPA of unleashing an "onslaught of job-crushing regulations," EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson said her agency's eventual rules will be "sensible and practical." Greenwire February 2, 2011
California is proposing a tougher target for the rocket fuel chemical perchlorate in drinking water, citing studies that linked minute amounts of the chemical to impaired thyroid function in infants. The current health goal -- for water considered safe for everyone -- is 6 parts perchlorate per billion parts water. On Friday, the state proposed lowering the goal to 1 part per billion ...Perchlorate impedes the thyroid gland's ability to absorb iodide, needed to make hormones that guide brain and nerve development and regulate metabolism. "Adults may go several days without iodide, which is an essential nutrient, but infants cannot store as much, so they need to have more consistent doses," Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment spokesman Sam Delson said. Press Enterprise Riverside, CA January 9, 2011