Sep 1, 2016

"Proposed Plan" Comment Period Extended until September 28

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District is extending the public comment period for the recently released Site-Wide Proposed Plan for the Spring Valley Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS), offering the public an additional 30 days to provide feedback.  This extension means public comments will continue to be accepted through September 28, 2016.  The Proposed Plan outlines the recommended cleanup actions to address any remaining unacceptable risks posed by soil contamination resulting from chemicals of concern and potential unacceptable explosive hazards due to munitions and explosives of concern.  The Proposed Plan is based on the Remedial Investigation and subsequent Feasibility Study.   
The RI detailed the history of the site, including the previously completed investigations and work, such as removals of arsenic contaminated soil and munitions related items that have taken place at the Spring Valley FUDS since the 1990s.  The Feasibility Study evaluated various clean-up alternatives, providing the basis for the preferred remedial alternatives identified in the Proposed Plan.  The public is encouraged to review the Proposed Plan in the public record and submit comments on the Proposed Plan, which can be found online under Project Efforts/Proposed Plan.  Written comments can be sent to the following mailing address: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ATTN: Chris Gardner, Rm. 11400, 10 South Howard St., Baltimore, MD 21201; or by e-mail to: no later than midnight September 28, 2016.
Public Notice
Spring Valley Formerly Used Defense Site
August 29, 2016
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