Nov 14, 2012

Army Begins Tearing Down House on Glenbrook Road Next Week

            4825 Glenbrook Road Shelter-in-Place Zones
The Army Corps of Engineers announced Nov. 13 that demolition on 4825 Glenbrook Rd. will begin the week of Nov 26.  Site preparation for investigative work is set after Dec. 19 when the Corps hopes demolition is completed ... The Corps will begin work under a large tent, called a “containment structure,” in January, when they expect to find chemicals.  Army Corps ... have also instituted voluntary “shelter in place” procedures, which instruct people about where to take cover in case something goes wrong at the site.  There are eight properties which fall into the zone where residents would be advised to “shelter in place,” including Watkins Hall and President Neil Kerwin’s home at 4835 Glenbrook Rd.
Leigh Giangreco

The Glenbrook Road house, owned by American University, is believed to sit atop a pit of hazardous materials.  Experts think the pit was disturbed when the home was built in the 1990s.  Two investigations of the property during the past decade have uncovered considerable munitions, glassware and contaminated soil, said demolition project manager Brenda Barber.  More are likely to be found once the house is torn down, she said ... During World War I, the country's major experimental poison gas station was located at American University.  After the war, much of the material was buried in the woods near the university in areas that are now part of Spring Valley.
Northwest Current
October 24, 2012 (pg. 7)

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