Mar 20, 2008

Hopkins Proposes Tracking Program

Members of the Spring Valley Restoration Advisory Board received a proposal last week from the Johns Hopkins University's Bloomberg School of Public Health that provides additional details about its plans for a follow-up health study ... The study's specific goals include continued communication with Spring Valley residents about the health hazards discussed in the original Johns Hopkins scoping study -- including cancers, neurological and blood disorders and skin conditions -- and developing mechanisms for ongoing monitoring of the effects of chemical weapons exposure.
Christopher Cottrell
The Eagle ~ March 19, 2008

Mar 19, 2008

April Vote Set on Health Study

A Spring Valley health study proposed by Ward 3 Council member Mary Cheh is not getting the kind of resounding support some expected as a matter of course in a neighborhood used as a World War I chemical munitions dump. Beset by ambivalence and outright opposition to the $750,000 budget request, the citizen-comprised Spring Valley Restoration Advisory Board last week scheduled a vote in April on whether to take a position on the need for such a study, which would be conducted by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
The Northwest Current (March 19, 2008: pg. 1)
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