Location of sealed ampule
It was encountered in the same vicinity as the auger hole where the 75mm munition debris item was discovered previously. There were no air monitoring detections at any time during this incident. Therefore, there was no risk to our workers or the community. We implemented our safety protocols and secured the item. We contacted the appropriate response agencies. CARA (Army response agency) transported the item to Edgewood on Wednesday, May 22. CARA and ECBC (Army Lab) will analyze the contents of the item and report the results to USACE by Tuesday, May 28. The project delivery team (PDT) will assess the situation once analysis results are provided. At this time, no additional intrusive work will be performed at the site until we have an agreed upon path forward after the PDT review the analysis.
Rebecca Yahiel, USACE
Glenbrook Road Neighborhood Update
May 23, 2013